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The Weight Loss Resistance Test Results Are In!

I was a nervous wreck while I was driving to the doctor.  Can you believe I have been dieting and trying to lose weight for over 15 years? I have been faithfully tracking my food, exercise, and weight for a very long time and knew in my heart something wasn’t right with my body.  What would happen if the doctor didn’t agree? What if all of the tests for weight loss resistance came back saying everything was fine?  What would happen if he couldn’t help me reach my health and weight loss goals?

Weight Loss Wake Up Call!

I replayed my interview with Brianne over and over in my head and I swear I could have recited the blog Weight Loss Wake Up Call!  It was such a crazy coincidence that I am going to the same integrative health clinic she went to.  Even crazier that I just happenstanced on her Facebook post days before my appointment.  If the doctors at the clinic could help her balance her hormones and lose 5 dress sizes in a few months, they should be able to help me lose my last 50 pounds.  Right?

Lab Results!

As soon as the doctor sat down I knew I was in luck.  My lab results had notes, marks, and highlights all over them.   The doctor said he found a few things that could be tweaked and would greatly improve my body’s ability to lose weight.  Alleluia!

Iodine Levels

My iodine level was very low.  It is my understanding that iodine is needed in order for the thyroid to work properly and your body uses iodine to make thyroid hormones. It is also very important for your metabolism.  I read a blog about the Signs and Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency and can say I have eight of the ten symptoms of iodine deficiency!

***Quick word of caution, I have read several times that we should be careful not to supplement with iodine without a physician’s guidance.

Pregnenolone – what’s that?

I had never even heard or thought about a hormone called pregnenolone but based on my research I think it is the hormone of my dreams!   Many doctors believe that pregnenolone supplementation is a very effective weight-loss tool.  It keeps the brain healthy and metabolism high! Pregnenolone is believed to block the effects of cortisol which prevents stress and abdominal fat. I have blogged about my issues with my belly fat in  The Pursuit of Ketosis – Day 4  and my cortisol and adrenal fatigue issues in How I Gained Over 100 Pounds and My Best Advice To You and Untangling the Weight Gain & Loss Web – Adrenal Fatigue. Well, guess what?  I have an extremely low level of pregnenolone.

Thyroid Levels

When the doctor told me one of my thyroid levels was off, I wasn’t surprised.  I had already written about my crazy thyroid in How I Gained Over 100 Pounds and My Best Advice To You.  Since I cannot tolerate traditional medicines, I have been taking homeopathic thyroid medicine for a few years. I am in a much better place than I was, but I had a feeling it wasn’t where it needed to be.  As it turns out my T3 was low.  I read that a higher T3 level would increase my metabolic rate.

Thyroid Issues

Girls Need Testosterone Too!

I have to admit,  I thought testosterone was for boys.  When my doctor told me mine was low, I was very surprised.  When he told me healthy testosterone levels could improve my energy level, lean muscle mass, and weight loss efforts, I wanted to start taking it in mass quantities as soon as possible.  I came across a blog Testosterone for Women’s Weight Loss that left me even more optimistic about testosterone supplementation.

Someone Just Give Me More Vitamin D!

I have tested as being deficient in vitamin D on and off throughout the years.  Recently, I have been on a pretty high dose of D combined with K (for better absorption) and thought I was in a good place with it. The lab results showed I was still deficient in vitamin D! I have read in Web MD’s blog and Dr. Weil’s blog, and it seems like some extra vitamin D could really help my weight loss efforts.

The Prescribed Weight Loss Plan

The next few months of my weight loss journey should be exciting!  It’s hard to believe that I have been deficient in five different hormones and vitamins that could have been causing my weight loss resistance all this time.

If it feels like you are doing everything right and you are not getting results, please journal your food and exercise and use it as a tool to communicate with your doctor.

I look forward to reporting back to you with some amazing results!


Take Control of Your Health
Take Control Of Your Health

An Update On My Weight Loss Resistance Story

My weight loss resistance story was first published in October of 2018. I did exactly what the doctor ordered to combat my weight loss resistance and all but religiously took the suggestedBefore and After Weight Loss supplements and stuck to the Whole30 diet for two years.  And still, the scale barely moved and it always seemed like I was taking one step forward and a step or two backward! – ugh.  And as anyone who has tried to lose weight for years upon years knows, it was very frustrating and I felt absolutely defeated.

My Weight Loss Story Has A Happy Ending

Just when I had all but given up and thought that my weight loss resistance meant I would never lose weight, a friend introduced me to a diet and wellness program she had been doing for months.  By that point, I was skeptical of all diets and weight loss plans, so I told her I wasn’t interested at least five or six times.

Then, I hit rock bottom.  I was hit with several big health concerns that were all caused by excess weight and inflammation.   I was ready to go right back to the diet I had been doing and not getting good results with (don’t ask me why).  Then,  my husband hit me with the motivational quote, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” – Albert Einstein.  Then, he suggested I call my friend back.  Luckily, I did.

I started the program and within a few weeks, my inflammation was reduced so much that my wedding ring that had been all but cutting off my circulation a few weeks prior, fell off when I was washing my hands!  And, I dropped almost an entire shoe size! And the really amazing thing is my two health concerns that were caused by inflammation diminished!

Oh, and the weight started coming off at a rate well over a pound a week.  Best of all the scale wasn’t taking a step backward for what seemed like no reason! Wow, the above sentences have a lot of exclamation points but I couldn’t help myself!

So what happened to my weight loss resistance you might ask?  My best answer is I don’t know, but it’s not holding my weight loss efforts back now.

And when you love something you love to talk about it!  Message me anytime.  I would love to talk to you to see if I can help you get great results too!


I’ll be there for you!


Weight Loss Coach, Tanya Perri

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